GWR publicity collection

Literature of Locomotion

Starting in 1927 a small booklet was published called The Literature of Locomotion and subtitled as being a 'Catalogue of Travel Guides & Jig-Saw Puzzles, etc.' which were 'Obtainable from any G.W.R. Station or Office, Railway Bookstall, your Bookseller'. This free booklet listed many of the books and jigsaws that would be available at the time of publication. It was updated and re-issued, sometimes several times in a year, until publication of the booklet ceased in 1938. Initially these booklets were about 4¾"x7¼" but from 1931 they became 5½"x8½" and typically contained about 16 pages. Up until 1930 the available selection of jigsaws was simply listed, but thereafter each puzzle, with few exceptions, was illustrated with a small image but few other illustrations were included. Rather unhelpfully not all of these booklets were dated, but the year of publication can sometimes be inferred as they could contain reference to books of a known publication date, such as Holiday Haunts.

Ever mindful of a sales opportunity, with the exception of the earliest editions, each of these booklets contained a tear-out order form with which you could order more books or jigsaws. Earlier examples had this form printed inside the back cover but from late 1934 it was printed on an internal page. Either way, the page was perforated to facilitate its easy removal. The one exception which we have found is the first edition from 1937 which contained the order form as a loose leaf insert. In the earlier booklets, up to and including July 1934, the order form is addressed to either The Superintendant of the Line, Paddington Station, London, W.2 or The Stationery Superintendant, G.W.R., 66 Porchester Road, London, W.2. Increasing sales of publications in general must have led to a rationalisation of departments as the November 1934 order form is now addressed to The Sationery Superintendant, G.W.R., 159 Westbourne Terrace, London, W.2, later changing to number 167. This art deco style buildingClick or tap to see this building
when newly completed
is situated close to Paddington Station and was designed in 1933 by the GWR's chief architect at the time, P.E.Culverhouse. The Porchester Road building dates from 1903 and was the Stationery and Ticket printing Depot for the GWR. Both buildings survived to be redeveloped as multiple occupancy office blocks.

It would appear that in addition to the booklets a number of concertina folded leaflets were produced. These are believed to have appeared in 1931, 1935, 1936, and 1939, there may have been more that we don't know about however. These were of a smaller format than the booklet and we have examples from 1931, 1935 and 1936 in our collection. Clicking or tapping on a leaflet thumbnail will open a gallery showing its content enlarged to approximately full size.

Literature of Locomotion booklet
1927 season
Literature of Locomotion booklet
1928 season
Literature of Locomotion booklet
Literature of Locomotion booklet
Literature of Locomotion leaflet Click or tap to see the leaflet contents enlarged to full size
1931 leaflet
Literature of Locomotion booklet
Literature of Locomotion booklet
late 1931/early 1932
Literature of Locomotion booklet
1932 edition 1
Literature of Locomotion booklet
1932 edition 2
Literature of Locomotion booklet
April 1933
Literature of Locomotion booklet
August 1933
Literature of Locomotion booklet
March 1934
Literature of Locomotion booklet
July 1934
Literature of Locomotion booklet
November 1934
Literature of Locomotion leaflet Click or tap to see the leaflet contents enlarged to full size
1935 leaflet
Literature of Locomotion leaflet Click or tap to see the leaflet contents enlarged to full size
1936 leaflet
Literature of Locomotion booklet
1937 edition 1
Literature of Locomotion booklet
1937 edition 2
Literature of Locomotion booklet